Medical Stories

I Am Not A Hero

1h 13m 17s

In order to understand the daily life and experiences of a nursing staff confronted with the coronavirus, filmmakers followed the doctors, nurses and paramedics of the Erasmus hospital in Brussels for three weeks. A moving report of the raw, terrifying reality behind a global pandemic.

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Here Right Now

54m 41s

Here Right Now looks at life through the lenses of Julie and Layton, two young adults living with terminal cancer as they candidly share what it’s like to all at once be dying and living.

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Live your life

51m 48s

Eugénie, Melissa, Alicia, Laura, Sarah or Caroline live in France, Canada and the United States....They were 15, 17 or 20 years old, when they discovered that they were pregnant.They share a common fate: they had an abortion and made the choice to continue to live their lives despite what people said when they decided to terminate their pregnancy. Despite the difficulty of getting an appointment or finding a clinic. Despite the silence and the taboo.

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The Labyrinth of Possibility

1h 08m 22s

The laberinth of possibility is a film of transformation and human capabilities. It tells the story of Sonia Soberats and his photographic work. The grief from the loss of her two sons caused such great havoc in her life that she lost the sense of sight entirely. Today she is part of a prestigious group of blind photographers in New York City. She also teaches this technique in Venezuela.

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