Playlist for Ecologi

Urban Mining

44m 32s

Our demand for raw materials is enormous and the mineral and ore mines can hardly keep up with the growing demand. Weirdly, we're surrounded by raw materials! They're in our cars, in the underground tunnels we use to travel to work, in the pavement that leads to our houses, in the bridges we cross, and they're in our homes. In European cities, there are approx. 4.500 kg of iron, 340 kg of aluminum, 200 kg of copper, 40 kg of zinc and 210 kg of lead attributed to each inhabitant.

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The Carnivore's Dilemma

52m 29s

In this film, first-time father and prize-winning journalist Benoît Bringer investigates whether we should still eat meat. As the population grows and the pressure to provide cheap food increases, there has been a drive towards relentless productivity and industrialized farming. Animal cruelty, major health issues and environmental damage are inevitable consequences. We can all see the problem. But are there alternatives?

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The Cost of Cotton

56m 12s

It's the soft, natural fabric associated with high quality and versatility. Used to make everything from jeans and t-shirts to tarpaulins, oil and cattle feed, it powers a 37 billion euros a year industry. But is cotton really as pure as it seems? Claims of forced labour, pollution, and even slavery have stained its wholesome reputation, creating a market for 'ethical, responsible' cotton.

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Transgenic Wars

51m 45s

The march towards the dominance of GM products in agriculture started 15 years ago but where will it end? Today in Argentina all agriculture is transgenic but after 15 years the weeds have adapted and the Glyphosate no longer works. In response farmers have started using hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate and unregulated manner. In some areas the rate of serious genetic deformities in children has exploded. We meet the families and doctors convinced that living so close farms is the cause.

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Of Locusts and Men

52m 19s

In Madagascar, locusts invasions are so intense that it has plunged millions of people into utter misery, ravaging and devouring crops and grazing fields. To fight against an insect which reproduces itself at an amazing rate, complex operations need to be put in place. And there are men whose only job consists in conducting this struggle...

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Climate change and wine

51m 54s

Global warming could drastically alter the world wine map. Temperatures are expected to rise from 3° to 5°C by 2050, accompanied by a decrease in summertime precipitation, much more frequent heat waves (over 35°C) that are fatal to grapevines, increased soil erosion and irrigation problems. This investigative documentary surveys the research carried out and the decisions made by both vineyard owners and scientists to tackle the question of global warming.

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Vavilov Institute

52m 04s

Everywhere around the world vegetal species, once cultivated, have disappeared.In saint petersbourg the Nikolai Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry preserves, cultivates, and studies more than 350 000 plants.For 120 years that unique granary has prevented famines all around the globe. This film shows how a group of ethnobotanists meets the members of the Vavilov Institute which has launched a project of international cooperation…

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The Family Farm

1h 10m

In its journey across the majestic Canadian countryside, THE FAMILY FARM explores the diverse agricultural pursuits of earnest farm families, and serves as a window into the food production process that modern day consumers have become estranged from.

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The Food Race - Pesticides, GMOs and Organic Farming on the Test

51m 31s

The world’s food supply becomes more and more imbalanced. One billion people are starving, every second a child dies of hunger or its consequences. At the same time food production is at its peak, the demand for meat is growing not only in the industrial world. Up to 30% of the world’s harvest is ruined by diseases or pests and less than half ends up on our plate. This film reveals the causes and impacts and tries to find solutions how we can feed up to nine billion people in the next 35 years.

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Relic Wine Hunters - The Land of the Cathars

44m 59s

In the deep south of France, a Mediterranean climate, fertile soil and wide skies kept bright blue by the Mistral winds that sweep in from the north make the perfect conditions growing wine. But a turbulent past haunts this beautiful land, plagued for centuries by religious, political and industrial upheaval, not to mention a deadly vine parasite that wiped out its vineyards.

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Good, Better, Vegan?

52m 00s

Veganism is the new lifestyle of a young, healthy generation. Restaurants serve vegan haute cuisine, recipes for vegan cakes flood the Internet. It’s also a money-making area for research and business. Countless ways of replacing milk, eggs and sausage enter the market. But few realize that the manufacturing process involves biotechnology and additives. Being vegan without knowing about nutrients can lead to deficiencies, even death. Are we really on the threshold of a new, sustainable diet?

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Future Food - Nigeria : Near or Far

28m 07s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits Nigeria and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Future Food - USA : Big or Small

28m 13s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits USA and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Future Food - China : Stay or Go

28m 06s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits China and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Future Food - Kenya : Food or Fuel

28m 04s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits Kenya and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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Water Is Our Future - The Netherlands - The Pact with Water

52m 49s

For centuries, the Dutch have tamed the sea with dykes and criss-crossed their country with canals and waterways. Lately, climate change is whipping up storms and raising the sea level and the Netherlands is now seeking a new pact with water in order to protect the low-lying country. They’re making use of state-of-the-art technologies and the power of nature and are systematically making space for the water elsewhere.

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Water Is Our Future - Andalusia's Hidden Treasure

52m 41s

In the dry region of southern Spain, water is a scarce commodity known as “liquid silver”. Farmers, scientists, and conservationists are working with the local population to combine ancient knowledge gained over centuries with state of the art technologies to protect this unique natural landscape.

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Water Is Our Future - The Colorado - A River in Search of its Estuary

52m 15s

Hardly a drop of water makes it to the estuary of the Colorado River. Once it reaches Mexico, after its journey through the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and Nevada, the river is dry – and has been for decades. The demand for water in its catchment area is simply too great. Now, conservationists are working to make the estuary green again. They’re persuading people along the Colorado to give some of its water back to the river.

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Water Is Our Future - The Emscher - The Miracle in the Coalfields

51m 51s

In the Ruhr district of Germany, we witness the comeback of a small river and an entire landscape. For decades, the Emscher was the most polluted river in Europe. Now, it’s being returned from an industrial sewer to a natural river system. With the help of waste water treatment plants, liberated river beds, and returning animal species, this unique natural region is blossoming.

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Water Is Our Future - The Jordan - River of Peace?

51m 48s

The Jordan River is the most important source of water for Jordanians, Israelis, and Palestinians. Intensive farming is robbing the sacred river of its water. Since Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994, campaigners from an environmental organization have been working across all borders to rescue both the Jordan River and the Dead Sea for the protection of nature and for peace in the region.

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