Questionable Politics

Controversy UK

The Coming War on China

1h 52m 39s

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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Crying for Justice

51m 18s

After 11 September 2001, the US government concludes secret agreements with European governments to fight terrorism. CIA will have powers to kidnap and torture suspects. It is a flagrant violation of international treaties and a slap to human rights. When the Washington Post revealed this secret pact in 2005, the Council of Europe instructs Swiss parliamentarian Dick Marty to investigate. This film is the story of this investigation.

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UN: Impunity for All

52m 58s

It's considered a temple of global diplomacy and the world's largest humanitarian organization. But for decades, one scandal after another has battered the UN's reputation. From the oil-for-food scandal in Iraq, to claims it was responsible for the cholera epidemic in Haiti and multiple accusations of waste, corruption and unaccountability at all levels, the UN's credibility and integrity has been repeatedly undermined. In this film, we investigate some of the most serious accusations.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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Dark Secret

59m 37s

DARK SECRET tells the hidden story of one of the worst criminal cover-ups in America's history: The victims - hundreds of children whose lives were destroyed. The perpetrators - Catholic clergy protected by their church.

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Pipelines powers and democracy

1h 28m 08s

Pipelines, Power and Democracy is a striking documentary that follows the mobilization of ordinary people to thwart the ambitions of oil companies and halt, even if only temporarily, the advance of pipelines across Quebec. In the process, the film offers a sharp reminder that power can be accessible to all.

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La guerra empieza aqui

1h 04m 29s

The action of a firefighter in the Port of Bilbao, by refusing to participate in a shipment of weapons to massacre the population of Yemen, initiates a social movement that will unveil the dark interests and implications of this trade.

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War, lies and video

51m 49s

This documentary traces the path of the Bush administration's neoconservative strategy, with its economic and political fallout, to unleash what looks like a war of aggression.

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Killing the Messenger: The Deadly Cost of News

1h 15m 08s

Murder is the leading cause of work related deaths for journalists as censorship increases worldwide. In addition to those who have been killed, dozens have been attacked, kidnapped, or forced into exile in connection with their coverage of crime and corruption. Journalists reporting from Mexico, Russia and the conflict zones of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria tell their personal stories of kidnapping, intimidation, and beatings.

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91%: A Film About Guns in America

55m 33s

America’s 325 million residents own an estimated 347 million firearms. Not surprisingly, gun violence has become one of the most urgent public health issues facing Americans today.In 91%, a cross-section of U.S. gun violence victims tell their heartbreaking stories of loss, pain, and a heroic search for hope in a nation stalled in a senseless gun control debate. We find a common thread – the gunmen had all-too- easy access to high-powered weaponry.

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Post Truth Times

1h 42m 51s

Why do so many people distrust the media? How has the internet changed journalism? Many have questioned the role of fake news and false information in the American election and in the Brexit referendum. Donald Trump actively brands journalists, experts and the media as liars. Opinions seem more important that facts. So is truth absolute or are there levels of truth?

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Romania : The great clean up

53m 05s

Romania, the European Union’s notorious dunce in corruption, has recently become the scene of one of the fiercest anti-corruption battles on the planet, which is shaking all of society. How is one of the most corrupt states in Europe succeeding in this feat? This film is an exclusive immersion at the heart of an anti-corruption fight unique in Europe.

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Foul Play

54m 51s

Foul Play takes us into the shady world of football match fixing across Asia, where government officials and corporate club owners conspire to ensure that the outcome of the game is determined long before the whistle blows. We follow the story of Simon McMenemy – an English football coach parachuted in to save an Indonesian team after shooting to fame in the Philippines managing their national team.

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Imminent Threat

57m 40s

Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents a documentary on the War on Terror’s impact on civil liberties. For the past 15 years, the phrase ‘War on Terror’ has been used to justify everything from mass surveillance and spying to the use of drones to kill suspected terrorists without evidence or trial.

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USA: Locking up Children

54m 03s

The United States is the only UN member that has not ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits sentencing under 18s to the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. In states like Texas, 10 years olds can be sent to prison and children who commit a serious crime can be tried as adults and incarerated with them. It’s thought there are 10,000 Americans serving life sentences for crimes committed as a children.

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